Beate Krickel
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Journal of Philosophical Research
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
Phenomenology and The Cognitive Sciences
European Journal for Philosophy of Science
Frontiers Psychology
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Minds & Machines
SAGE Publishing
Academische Selbstverwaltung
2018: Mittelbauvertreterin im Fakultätsrat (RUB)
2016-2017: Mittelbauvertreterin im Promotionsausschuss (RUB)
2015-2017: Mittelbauvertreterin im Institutsvorstand (RUB)
2012-2014: ERASMUS-Koordination (HU Berlin)
2012: Mittelbauvertreterin im Institutsrat (HU Berlin)
Weitere Aktivitäten
Mentoring^3 Programm der Universitätsallianz Ruhr
Programmkomitee der PLM4
Mitglied Global Young Faculty (2015-2017)
Co-organizer of the event "Gender Bias in Academia" at RUB
Workshop-organization: "The Metaphysics of Mind and Brain: Realization, Mechanisms, and Embodiment", HU Berlin 2012, together with Sven Walter
Founding member of the graduate research group "LeRM" ("Levels, Reduction and Mechanisms")