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Meine Sachen

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"On the connection between topological and mechanistic explanations"

Conference „Reasons, Explanations, and Models“

"Individuating Cognitive Capacities in Terms of Cognitive Homology"

Keynote at conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science (AISC)

"Ist unbewusstes Sehen wirklich SEHEN? - Wie wir mit neuen Anwendungskontexten von alten Begriffen umgehen sollten"

Workshop "Intelligenz"

"Is this really VISION?"


"Topological explanations as mechanistic explanations - and what we learn regarding other seemingly non-mechanistic explanations"


"How to carve up the mind? Horizontally, vertically, or both?"

Conference for Three Generations RTG ‘Situated Cognition’

"What are Cognitive Character Identity Mechanisms?"

Traits of Contention: Character Identification and Comparative Thinking in Evolutionary, Developmental, and Behavioural Biology

"Cognitive ontology through the lens of biology - How an evo-devo approach shows that cognitive capacities are extended"

TXM@25 - "The Extended Mind" at 25

"Warum die Psychologie die Philosophie braucht"

Ringvorlesung ChatTGWT, TU Berlin

"Implicit Bias & Repression"

Online workshop on "Knowing one's own mental dispositions" organized by S. Arango-Muñoz, Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín/Colombia)

"Philosophie als Mediatorin für innerpsychologische Diskussionen -
Die Moderne Debatte Über Den unbewussten Geist"

Tagung der AG "Philosophie und Psychologie"

"Can Mechanistic Explanations of Cognition be Computational or Representational?"

GeSiMEx Final Symposium

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